This is the world within the world, friends without faces, but certainly not without hearts. It is the beauty of your hearts,
that is shining here above all.

Thank you
to Viet Vet, a very
unique friend of mine, who "sparked" the idea of
creating my own page.
Vet, the best of luck
to you always!

Thank you to
Merwyn, my greatest
motivator and friend for life, who ended my
procrastination by saying gently "Do It!" Merwyn, you are one in the million!

Thank you to my very dear and very special friend Pam, for her never
ending supply of gifs and for her beauty within.
Pam, you are a treasure!

Thank you to StoneWolfe, a good friend
of mine, who is an absolute Whiz of HTML world
and who answered all my questions with unlimited
Stone, don't work too hard!

Thank you to Wolfie, an
extraordinary friend, my big supporter, who
always was there with an advice, when I called
for help.
Wolfie, you are the greatest!

You guys are the best I could
ever wish for, you made it possible. Thank you
from the bottom of my heart for taking me
~ Around The World ~
There are many more friends that left their heartprints on my heart. You all are very dear and special to me. I wish you the best! You are always in my prayers.
I have a little garden
Where thoughts grow on a tree.
And some of them are mine of you
And others yours of me.
You're often in that garden,
Although you may not know,
That little garden of my heart is
Where my special friends may go.

~ back to my page ~

...never stop believing in
never stop dreaming of