This message never made it to my guest book,
but it touched my heart very deeply and it made all my efforts worth making. I received it on March 26th 2000. Thank you dear Lady :)

Subject: Thank You
I really want you to know how much I enjoy your pages and all the beautiful links. I work in a
battered women's shelter and in a group home for developmental handicapped adults. This is very rewarding work and your site offers so much love and encouragement that I use it with my clients to lift their spirits. Last April 19 one of my co workers lost her life to domestic violence. She was a lovely women with two beautiful little girls. This loss touched my soul in a way I can't even describe. I have created a web page that I would like to dedicate to her memory but have no idea of how to get it out there. I created it in
Microsoft Publisher. If you have any ideas you would be willing to share with me I would greatly appreciate it. I don't have lots of money so I am looking for a way to do this without spending money. Aninka, I don't think you know how much light and love your site has put out into the world. Please continue to do this good work. I am sure the angels are smiling on you.
Love to you and yours,
...and the new page with new hope was born!
all credits go to Penny