~ The
Journey Of The Heart ~
The journey of the heart is one
that is paved with joy and with tears...
One that is filled with hope and love
but also uncertainty and fears...
As we climb to the summit, the world
in our heart changes, it seems...
In each twist and turn of the road,
we see a worn path of dreams...
Others have walked it
and left landmarks of their own...
Secrets of the heart are hidden
under the shadow of each stone...
Where our hearts lead us down
this old path and what is shown...
Remains to be seen ...
the seeds are not yet all sown...
But the seeds that are there
will blossom and grow...
Perhaps we will see a flower
whose blooms we will know...
They will always remain on the path
for others to see...
Where the flowers keep blooming
no matter where they may be...
Never forget that on this path
you are never alone...
I will walk with you and we will
discover other paths unknown...
The summit is high and the road
stretches on through eternity...
Just bring with you your heart
and a song and walk with me...
~ written by Wolfden ~